How To Practise Lines With Your Child
Created the: 17-09-2020
Does your child dream of becoming an actor, but finds it difficult to concentrate when rehearsing lines? Here are a few tips that can help.
Play and learn
Children are playful, and if you can make practising lines fun, your child will have a much easier time staying interested and remembering their lines. Learning lines should be a positive experience for your child, so make sure you find the best setting and make the process easy.
Link the lines to something
There are many ways to learn and both children and adults can learn differently. One technique that has been proven to work well is to attach lines to a place or action. For example, if the line is, “I’m really hungry,” try to find a place your child can go or something they can do when saying the line. In this example, the child could go to the refrigerator, which they know is full of food and will help them remember their line about being hungry.
The locations don’t have to have anything directly to do with the line, but it can make it easier and more fun to learn for the child if they do. If we use the same example, "I’m really hungry", another option is for the child to hold an apple in their hands when they say the line. It may sound silly, but it has been proven to be a great way to learn lines, for both children and adults alike. This is because of the associations our memories make with physical movements, places, or things. When the body and mind work together, memories are better anchored and so are the lines that need to be memorised.
Besides a good technique for learning lines, surroundings can also make a big difference in how well a child learns. Children typically have a hard time concentrating, so a learning environment without distractions, such as the TV, noisy siblings or other background activity works best. Also, be sure to choose a good time to practise. A child may not be very receptive to learning lines late at night when they’re tired - or you are tired. ;)
Guide your child
Lastly, make sure you are a part of the process, and sensitive to your child’s needs. All children can get tired, angry or distracted - even if they usually love acting. So, help your child find the right times to practise, a good technique that works for them, and offer plenty of encouragement to learn — without forcing them.
Good luck to all the parents out there - and your talented children!