Bolhuis Season 2, Gauteng

Men and women 2 - 55 Years old, Gauteng


This will be re-enacting the story of Dawie Roodt where he was attacked at his home in Pretoria by 4 guys.

1) Dawie Roodt look alike
2) Mrs Roodt look alike
3) 2 year old twin girls look alike
4) Danielle 23 years old (Roodt’s daughter) look alike

- Danielle drives into garage and is confronted by 4 bandits. One with a handgun and the others with knives.
- ROODT is sitting at his desk in his study. Looks up and sees them holding his daughter at his door. They round up his wife and twin girls. They are all tied with cable ties on the floor near door. They are repeatedly threatened. They take Roodt out of room (to gunsafe ) They move everyone to the lounge and threaten them more as they ransack the house looking for money. Power goes off. Roodt tells them he has money in his car. One bandit with a knife goes with him to car. Leaving family in lounge with other three. As they get to the car Roodt manages to free himself and attacks the bandit and they have a big fight. He is slashed through the left arm bicep. Roodt calls for his gardener and neighbours to come help. With all the noise the other 3 bandits in the house get scared and run away. The one fighting Roodt then also runs away. Roodt tells gardener to help inside as he runs to neighbours. Roodt bleeding profusely on arm and head calls for help and returns to house. As help arrives he collapses on step at the front door. His daughter comes to his aid.

  • Casting had ended