7De Laan Actors Search
Men and women 15 - 60 Years old, All regions
Entries are open for any person from ages 15 - 60years
Entries are open to all races and genders
Send a 1minut acting performance video of yourself, together with a head and shoulder and full length phto of yourself to [email protected]
The language of your audition must be in Afrikanns or English.
Entries close Friday, 20 March 2020
Once you've submitted your audition video with he photos, you acknowlegde that 7deLaan and Danie Odendaal Productions may use the content submitted for Marketing and Public Relations purposes as they deeem suitable.
Once entries have closed the panel will reiew all applications
From 23 March 2020 to 27 April 2020 successful applicants will be contacted for a 2nd round of in-person auditions.
Winners of the actor search will nee to relocate to Gauteng at their own cost for the duration of their contract.
If you have not been contacted by 27 April 2020, kindly deem your application unsuccessful.
Good luck.
Casting had ended