Actor Singer Extra


31 years old, Johannesburg, South Africa

Bronte Borcherds was born in Cape Town on 26th December 1992. She has sung from an early age and in her teens started competing in vocal talent contests, which culminated in her being selected to sing at a talent contest in Florida, USA in 2012. She has also been involved in a number of Reach for a Dream projects, with her recording with Loyiso Bala and singing the national anthem at the 2009 T20 Cricket with SA Idol, Veronique Lalouette. Bronte completed her BA : Music performance degree at AFDA in 2014. She has recently in 2015 been involved in a charity event with Pick and Pay, Reach for a dream with idols singer, Brandon October. She has also released a music video with a song called Drum section with Chris- Don Productions in 2014. Bronte is interested in recording her own album and is currently pursuing this dream.


Physical info

31 years old

Eye color:

Shoe size:
36 UK

Hair length:

Hair type:

Skin color:



Modelling experience: None Acting experience: Slight Singing experience: A lot Dancing experience: None
Performed on film/TV Performed in theater Participated in music videos

Job interests

Singing/dancing in theater Movie/TV - acting Movie/TV - extra